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Want to offer your millennial visitors a unique experience at your festival?


  • 2 different shows designed for festivals

  • For millennial audience (30 - 200 people)

  • 50 minutes of entertainment with serious, practical lessons for the millennial life

  • Possible in English & Dutch


 WHY 3310 SHOWS?

Born between 1981 - 2000, this is one of the largest groups attending festivals nowadays. Besides being 24/7 surrounded by entertainment in this on demand society, there is a strong need for guidance and personal development.

3310 speaks the language of this target group. Therefore, two shows are designed especially for them with popular themes ‘How do I say no so I won’t burn out?’ and ‘How do I find what I love in this overwhelming paradox of choice?’.

With the high entertainment level and 90’s throwbacks, 3310 strives to bring serious topics to them in a low key manner. Through experience based learning, millennials learn practical tools to make their life easier.



Life can’t be perfect and dare to fail is main lesson taught at this show. During, millennials will play different games to teach them how to rely on themselves and to fail in a safe environment.

We show them that learning is failing, that everybody has insecurities, that being vulnerable and compassionate to oneself is a strength, that we should trade our bucket list for a f*ck it list and to eventually live with a ‘who cares’ - mentality.  

This show is designed in collaboration with Millennial Journeys and sold out on their theater debut. Read the NRC Handelsblad (in Dutch) review here.

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What do you really, really want? is the theme of this show, where millennials are given lessons to deal with change in life. We mimic the journey of life, where they face challenges, such as doubt and expectations of others.

Whether it is finding the job they love, or making life decisions, we teach them that there is no perfect choice, hater will keep on hating, doubt will keep existing, life just happens and everything in the end is temporary.

This show is designed in collaboration with Vitamine Z, known for its Icarus Amsterdam Festival. Watch an impression of the show given for 200 university students here.

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  • For the show we require audio and a projector.

  • Closed or shielded space is preferred to guarantee emotional safety of visitors.

  • Material, decoration and project management will be provided by us.

  • Light effects are preferred, but not obligatory.

  • If you have any questions or want to book us, send us an email or fill in the form below 


The life of a Millennial, aka the Nokia 3310 generation, is no walk in the park. Seen as spoiled by others and expected as the first internet generation to conquer the world. Besides the external pressure, the Millennial is often overwhelmed by choices, feels lonely and strives for a picture perfect. Once they graduate, where can Millennials go to develop further in life?

After a prosperous corporate career, experiencing a burnout, Wing Yan Man founded a school for her fellow millennials. At 3310, this Gameboy generation can learn practical tools to survive this fast paced, digital, uncertain world.