Gotta Catch ‘Em All

How to build a happy family at work and thrive with diversity

#diversityandinclusion #safespace #rainbowsandunicorns

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What is the difference between an innocent joke and discrimination? LGTBQIA+, #metoo, Black Lives Matters, all these new movements and corresponding behavioral changes can be confusing and overwhelming. Now working in a global economy, with increasing numbers of migrants, you can’t escape the diversity of people we’ve become connected with. It is in our nature to feel threatened by the unknown and old habits die hard. So how do you make others feel at home and not feel paralyzed in every tiny step you take? 

While diversity quotas are getting reached in organizations, there is often a lack of focus on retention and on creating an inclusive, safe environment. Without full integration of the diversity by shifting the status quo, one’s feeling of exclusion will cause friction and lead to low confidence and performance. You cannot always understand where the other comes from, but making the other feel welcome is something you can do. During this workshop we start with raising awareness for obvious and invisible prejudices, move on to practical tools for communication and show you how to use diversity as a strength.

This workshop is designed in collaboration with Belinda Bantje, diversity and inclusion expert. Having faced discrimination in her past just as the founder of 3310, we share a genuine passion for the subject and decided to create a safe space where no one will have to feel excluded as we did anymore. Read our blog for low budget tips.